You can compare Actual vs. Forecast in addition to comparing with Plan. Auto forecast function builds forecast for you, although you can adjust values anytime.
Forecast for months
Rule: past months display Actual values, future months display Plan (on default) or values you entered manually.
In other words:
If Actual is empty, Forecast is equal to Plan on default (Мar and Apr in the example below).
You can change Forecast manually in case you need a value different from Plan (May in the example below).
As long as you enter Actual, Forecast equals to Actual and is locked for editing (Jan and Feb in the example below).
Forecast for days
Rule: past days display Actual values, future days display the average of Actual values or values you entered manually.
In other words:
As long as you enter Actual, Forecast equals to Actual and is locked for editing (Day 1 and Day 2 in the example below).
For the remaining days, Forecast equals to the average of Actual values for the past days (150 in the example below).
You can change Forecast manually in case you need a value different from average (Day 5 in the example below).
Compare Actual vs. Plan vs. Forecast
In the web app use comparison buttons on the View tab.
In the mobile app use comparison drop-down menu in the left corner of the screen.